Monday, April 27, 2009

Not much to say. Day went by fast. Smooth. No hitch. Should be happy. Not. Feel slightly depressed. Don't know why. Irritating me.

Day was good. Nathan was happy-positive. Got hug from Alex. Always great. Never fails to lighten my spirit.

Future still looks pretty grim. Not "bad" grim, but "uncertain" grim. Should not despair. Not when I'm surrounded by ones I love.

"Zero" and I are making head-way in series. Very optimistic. Will definetly see through this to the end.

Hmm...accidently unearthed drawing of me and Maribel earlier. Shameful emotional clingy side popped its head out. Suppressed it quickly. Do not care for her anymore. Dust in wind. What does get me are the memories. Fun times. But in a much different-simple-time in my life. Think of it fondly.


Case in point: Maribel is no more, not the girl I fell in love with that warm summer day in San Roque. I must learn to get this finally off my chest....Perhaps I did.

Guess this post was longer than I expected. Cool. Must remember to post often. I shall create an archieve. WIll look back at it in future.

-Always remember: Never despair

Friday, April 24, 2009

Not much to say. Feel slightly depressed. Well, maybe a litttle bit more. Thinking of future, not looking too bright at the moment. Something came to my mind recently.

I'm tired. tired of seeing typed letters dictate my life. Maybe if I was better I wouldn't be complaining about it? Maybe not.

The coming weeks look to be grimmy. Future scares me. Past looks bright.

Wish Me, Alex and Nathan could spend the day together. Just the three of us. No other people.
Off-topic: Alex agrees to a group pic with me and Nathan before she goes to Nicaragua for three weeks in June. Shook her hand to make sure she'd keep her word. Lol.

Huh, never made a wish in a while...

Should not despair. Others might be going through tougher lives, even trying to make  the best of them. Even carrying other people's burdens.

We're born. Say we're one in a million. Say we're unique. Until I realize we're one AMONG the millions. The teeming millions. But, no one else on this earth can replace me nor anyone out there.

Forgotten? Maybe. Ignored? Maybe. Overlooked? Maybe. Irriplaceable? Hell no.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Interim: Day 3

*Yes, i know there isn't a day 2. Not feeling like posting it up.

Today was pretty damn good. Today's location was Fisherman's Wharf/Pier 39. List of good things that happened:
1.Got to the Bart station first (hooray)
2.Gave Alex a BIG hug (<3)
3.Our meeting location was at the back of Hooters (YES!)
4. LOTS of food (basically lunch throughout the entire trip lol)
5.Dragged Nathan around to look for a smiley face button