Sometimes, its what i think life is like. Now I know what you're thinking, but bear with me, I for one am an optimistic fellow, but sometimes there are moments when I think of it all. All my decisions in life and what occured because of them. I reflect upon these decisions.
What if I went to a different elemetary school for my 6th grade? Does that mean I would have been happier? What if I remained with the same friends I met in elementary school? Would I have been the same person I am today? Or would I have eventaully turned out the same?
I met my first best friend in middle school, but before that I was given the chance to go to a different middle school. Now in that middle school were people I would soon meet here in High School. How would I have turned out if I decided to go to that middle school? If I never decided to sit next to my would-be best friend; If I decided to simply remain seated a mere ten feet away: I would have never met him therefore, I wouldn't be who I am today?
Here, sitting in front of my computer, typing this blog post up. I'm starting to become a believer in the RANDOMNESS of life and what occured because of them.
I did not expect to meet Maribel on that trip to the Philippines in 2006, nor did I expect her to tell me what's up three years later.
I decided to wait on sending the letters....wait a REALLY long time.... If i sent her those letters earlier would it have helped? If so would our relationship still have failed? If I told this special someone at my High School that I was not in a relationship at all this time-That I did not have a girlfriend- earlier what would have happened up to this point?
It's a series of neverending questions rolled up into one huge "What if?". But I guess that's what I love and hate about it all; about the randomness of life. One question. One answer. One chance. One failed obligation or one wasted oppurtunity and that enough alreadys sends you down a path within your great journey of life. Now, you can't go backwards because that's impossible. Instead you can create another path back to it.
Now that being said, you connect that path towards the one you're currently on and then what's next you ask? You. Keep. Going. Because no matter how stubborn or lamentful one is, I believe one's obligation to this great road excedes all else.
Life is random; a crooked street at best in a city of randomness. Why? It was pure randomness I fell in love that one summer's day, that same randomness that drove me to wait three fruitless years, but it was that same randomness that tested my dediction which is the same randomness that made me realize how random one's life can be. And who knows? Perhaps it'll be that same randomness that will come back and greet me in the near future. is inevitable. How one can find their "soulmates" on the internet. How one man lost all he had one day, then earned it all back the next. A nation losing its beloved leader. An outstanding role model one day, then the butt-end of every joke the next.
The list just goes on and on and on. One day you're a looking for the next game to play, the next you're looking for which job'll hire you. Heh, even this blog post is random and inconsistent, but hey, that's the beauty of life. If it were any different...well that'd just be crazy. Especially in a world as random as this.
I'm looking at the world as a random place, not everything happens for a reason. Sometimes, there simply ISN'T a point. Everyone is right. Everyone is wrong. Obligation and morals are important. Obligation and morals are pointless. Love is love; hate is hate. Love is forever. Love is temporary. Law is freedom. Law is restriction. Freedom is spiritual. Freedom is pyshical. Life is great. Life is pointless. Reason is order. Reason is non-existant.
And like I said before...the whole damn list Just.Goes.On. ANY which-way it can go. There is no stopping randomness; It HAPPENS. It doesn't need reason and one can not simply deduce as to why it happens, what made it happen. All that one must do is accept it. Do not fear it. Do not love it. Do not hate it. Do not teach it. Do not advocate it. Do not censure it. Do not deconstruct it. Do not duplicate it. just keeps going huh?
Randomness begets more randomness...
I'm looking at the world as a random place, not everything happens for a reason. Sometimes, there simply ISN'T a point. One day, I'll look at the world once again and see it differently. Why?Like I said, don't reason with it. Life's too random....atleast for the moment it is.
Damn man, that was deep. I really made me think, I hope all goes all well for you, you'll have your amazing days in life man, I'll pray and seek for you to gain happiness. Just take it easy in life and it'll take it easy on you, and I totally agree with life being really random at times it's a huge long bumpy road that has it's huge bumps and turns. The road won't always be straightforward. Let's hope the next couple of years will be good. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteThis post made me really think about my life...Well done dude